After hunkering down at home for 2 months, as part of Singapore’s efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19, four average guys have decided to start a podcast! They are learning more about the issues around them and ways to improve themselves as they approach their 30s. Join them on this journey as they run, walk, and crawl their way to self discovery through honest discussions.
EP. 11 - Skillz Pay Billz: Starting a Business in Myanmar with YJ
Puckish Media
Right after graduating, YJ ventured into the road less travelled and started several businesses in Myanmar. Armed with a basic knowledge of the business environment, a handy grasp of the language, and a whole lotta heart, he grabbed the opportunities that came his way, and returned home with lifelong stories to share. He discussed teething problems with managing the local team early on, the horror stories of business administration, and the lessons that he learnt in a rapidly developing market.